Well, it's been over two years now since we had to shut down our projects here. Now we see the light. Here's what's been happening!
* sponsorship has been steady and we are SO fortunate to have our donors continue their support
* Zoom board meetings are "a thing" with our people
* our homes faired well with getting through the pandemic but as you can appreciate, not as well as we did.
* our projects are getting back on track for January 2023
* we had a succesful plant sale recently and some mini campaigns to boost funds for the homes
* we secured the services of a media manager which has boosted our presence online
In short, we made it through and are hoping to come back bigger and stronger to assist all children within our scope. Next year, we hope to have more projects, inperson meetings and fund raisers and our first in person AGM. This is especially important since our 45th Anniversary is presenting itself in 2024 and we hope to gather for something memorable as we celebrate this important milestone.
Thank you for keeping us in your periphery and continuing your support! Stop in and visit the office any time you find yourself in Guelph!